Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lost Friends

I've been listing to "How to Save a Life" by The Frey. It got me thinking. I had this one really good friend in kindergarten. We grew up together! We were really close, but she got into things that weren't at all good. She moved away to her birth father's a year or two ago. We had this really really big fight before she left. I mean, really big. It's been hard for myself to admit it, but she had a huge influence over me. Anyways, it hurt. I cried for about three days and then she moved. I haven't talked to her sense. A lot of the time I wonder if me not being a Christan at the time messed our relationship up. She always asked me questions about God and the Bible, and because I wasn't a true Christian, I couldn't answer them correctly. I tried, really I did! I know now that she needed Jesus. I wish I could have been a better friend. She never really had any great friends and she was always verbally abused by the "good Christian" kids. I do admit completely that she had problems. I've always held a grudge against her because she did pull me into things that weren't good... It's only now that I realized I still love her :( I don't know how I can put into words all of the things I'm feeling right now. I feel like I've lost something important.
"Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend somewhere along in a bitter descend. Would I stayed up with you all night, then I'd know how to save a life."  

Friday, January 28, 2011

It's Been a While:D

Hey readers:D I know it has been a while but I have many things to say to make up for the time laps! One, after SIX YEARS I am over this dude! OK, remember the guy I said a couple of posts ago that I liked a lot? Well, I'm over him:) I guess I had known that for a while, but I realized it Tuesday. One of my friends (who has a crush on him) is going on a dance with him. And instead of feeling pain or envy creeping into my heart, I felt happy. Strange huh? Well, I guess it's because I finally set free! I had been so attached. You know what? There are only three reasons I can think of liking him: 1. He was cute 2. He was funny 3. He was good with little kids. Yup! Only those three! Thank you Juli! You got me thinking about what I really wanted in a guy and this one didn't fit into the category <3

OK, three of my friends and I started up a blog called Doulos Teen to Teen Ministry (DoulosT2T for short.) Well, we got an email from someone in Nigeria! They wanted to know if it was possible to send them 8 Bibles. Of course, we're going to tell them we will try to! :D It makes me feel so connected to believers around the world! Thank you God:D

OK, another happy thing is my mom is back from Arkansas!!! :D I'm not sure how my pappy is doing, keep praying please!! But I'm happy my mom's back <3

I haven't gotten an email back from that lady who does fonts, but when she does I will definitely be letting y'all know:D I downloaded some pretty awesome fonts that I might use on here (even though they aren't mine.) Below is what I sent to her:D

Right now I'm listening to "Unbreakable" by Fireflight. I <3 this song:D Anyways, I've got to go soon because the Venture Crew will be doing a service project at 2:30! OK, I'm so bubbly happy!!! haha:D OK! I've got to go. Thank you, again, imaginary readers for reading about my life.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday was amazing! We had a youth group/birthday party (for my friend's brother) and played capture the flag. Only two of the girls in Sr. High played, my friend and me :D it was fun! At first it was kind of boring 'cause I stayed with the prisoners. I used to think that was my favorite job, but I don't like it anymore :) Now I love to guard the border! I have some great stories from that night ;) While I was guarding the border, one of the Jr. High girls ran past me. Of course I ran after her and in the hight of the chase I didn't think to look where I was running. Guess what happened? There was a log laying right where I was putting my feet and I swear I did the most graceful front flip while falling down in the world! hahaha:D Now I have this horrible bruise on my shin and it hurts to walk... but it was very funny! Then this dude ran away with the flag and I started to chase him. And of course, since this party was in a pasture that had a horse, I slipped in.. you know what :/ haha:D But so did the dude and I caught him anyways :D Over all, an amazing day!
My mom is leaving today to go to Arkansas because my pappy is not doing very well. Please pray for him!!!!

I haven't finished all of my school yet, so I will have to do that today. My brother and I have piano practice today! I personally love piano! I'm thankful that God made music:D The Sr. High girls at my church have bible study tonight at our youth pastor's house. His wife is doing it with us with a book called "When People are Big and God is Small." I've heard it's really good! I can't wait:) I've got to go and get ready for piano! Sorry this is short, but I might get around to writing some more later today! :D