Friday, January 6, 2012

A New Year, a New Adventure!

This is a new year and I'm ready to embrace what God has in store! Already God has graced my with a new close friend and now I can't wait to see how God will bless my family in this coming year. I started out 2012 at a New Years Eve party at my friend's land. There was a huge bonfire, awesome fireworks, a yummy chocolate fountain, and many laughs. :) My brother and I got home around 3 Sunday morning. We ended up having to break in through our utility room window haha! We thought there was a spare key hidden somewhere outside, but we forgot that our mom had taken it with her to Arkansas. My brother didn't want to wake anybody up so we had to try all of the doors and windows to see if any were open. All of them were closed... except for the last one we looked at! He crawled through the small, spider infested space into our utility room so he could let me in with all of our stuff. Despite that little set back, it was a fun night ^_^ 

Even though God has blessed me in the beginning of this year, I have also had some small trials. I am actually going through one now! Remember my new close friend I made this year? Well, my parents aren't too hot on the idea of me hanging out with a guy, even as friends. Anyways, this guy and I are getting pretty close and I'm praying my parents will warm up to the idea. 

We had our first Venture Crew meeting of the year yesterday! We had elections for President, Vice Pres., Program Pres., Secretary, Treasurer, and Quarter Master. I got elected as the President! ^_^ My younger brother was elected as Quarter Master. As Quarter Master he is to keep a record of all our supplies and make sure that we are ready (supply wise) for events coming up! It will be a fun year for our Crew :) Already we have great ideas for summer trips. I can't wait for this year to unfold!
For Christmas I got a new camera! I love taking pictures (even though I'm not that great at it hehe!) It is a Nikon Coolpix S6100! It is amazing ^_^ I also wrote a couple of songs... only one of them is presentable though haha. Here are the lyrics! 

"I know your life has been hard,
And I know I can't say I understand it all.
But I can promise
To stay with you,
And I will say
Don't be afraid of what's new.

You smile at me and say
That it will all be OK.
But I see your eyes,
So I will still say,
Don't be afraid of what's new.

'Cause the new is the sunrise
In the morning.
And the new is the cloudless skies,
When you're soaring.
And the new is our smiles,
When the tears are gone.
I will always be with you
when you're broken,
and I'll always be with you
When you're joking
and I'll always love you,
even when you can't love yourself.

Don't try to push me away,
'Cause there is a reason for pain.
And I know it hurts,
So break down and cry.
Come into my arms,
And don't be afraid of what's new.

(Chorus again)

So come to me
And let out your sighs!
Please come and be mine.
So come to me,
and let your cries,
Echo through the night,
oh echo through the night.

(Chorus again.. haha)

Don't be afraid of what's new."

This has been a good beginning of the year 2012! I can't wait to see what God has planned for this next chapter in the Adventure story of my life <3