Friday, January 21, 2011

Sickness and Moby Dick

  Today is yucky. It is yucky because multiple people in my family are sick. With a stomach virus. ugh! Pray for health to return and to keep those who aren't sick (My mom, me, and two of my brothers... oh! and my sister:D) from being sick! Thank you:D Well, we had a Venture Crew meeting last night, and we are going hiking tomorrow! We're going to a place that has waterfalls (very pretty!) and a hilly terrain. I can't wait! The Venture Crew is going to the Appellation trail sometime this summer and we are doing this to train for it (and, not to mention, some fun:D) Yesterday was better than last Thursday! "You know who" didn't dance with me the whole last half (I felt really bad about you having to dance with him Juli, that is, if you minded it!) Anyways, what I hate the most about this whole situation is that I seem to be burdening my friends with it. One time, our Envirothon team won State competition so we went to Nationals (in California.) Well, it was fun and stuff, but on one of the plane rides, they put me and "guess who" guy right beside each other. This was a small plane so it would have been only us sitting alone. ugh! Well, thanks to one of most wonderful friends (not just because of this indecent of course) switched seats with me! :D well, now that I think about it, it makes me feel bad. What if she didn't want to sit there? I know I didn't ask her to, but still. So now I've decided that I'm not going to burden them anymore! I'm just going to have to deal with this thing by myself without having someone else take the hit! OK, done ranting about that for now!
I've finished all of my school for today so I'm happy! I started reading this book called "Jacob Have I Loved." It's really good so far, but my mom said that it was really sad when she read it. I hope I'll like it still! I just finished reading Moby Dick. O. My. Gosh. What a boring book! You learn everything you DON'T want to know about whales. Well, that is the second book I absolutely hated. The first one is a book called "Peace Child." A violent book. Well anyways, pretty much all of the books I've read I kind of like. "Belle Prater's Boy" and "Shadow of the Almighty." "Bud, not Buddy," "The Chosen." I can list a bunch more that I couldn't put down!!! I like books to have a happy ending, even if the middle is sad. Maybe at least a satisfactory ending, something I can accept. Later today, I've got to read to my little brother. Yes, he is only two years younger than me, but his curriculum does call for read alouds. After that I don't know what else. I'll probably play the Xbox 360 (maybe the game Oblivion?) or I can play Morrowind on my computer. Or I could read! I have three books that need finishing. One for a book discussion next week. Fun:D We're reading Les Miserables! It is one of the best books we've read so far (even if it is the longest.) I think it might be longer than the Bible (not sure though ;D) Nothing much else is happening in my life at the moment.
Now I'm thinking again, are you really there? I know, in my mind, I can see "my" readers... but is that just my imagination? I think I'm going crazy. Oh well! Gotta run! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Random Stuff :)

Excuse my momentary absence! It's just nothing at all has happened to me the past two days. Well, school, not much else. I did a Chemistry test after I studied for about four hours and got an 81%. That would have been fine if my brother hadn't gotten an 82%. *sigh* life's not fair :/. Well, yesterday I made a new design for a scarf:D I will post pictures of it once I'm finished! I also finished a very very late Christmas present. It will be even later because we don't have the right envelope to send it in. Oh! did I mention who I'm sending it to lives half-way across the United States? Well, yeah, she's awesome:D:D:D Anyways, today I got up really late (God forgive me... I'm not joking either.) I know, I shouldn't have. My mom was trying to get me up for about 3-4 hours until I finally did. I'm so lazy! Ugh. It makes me sick! hahah:D So I finished up my literature stuff for tomorrow and I have yet to finish Chemistry. I also need to do my regular school. Ahhh! ok, blogging all of this made me realize how much work I have left to do, so I gotta sciedadle (or however you spell it :P) p.s. the picture I've also posted it just a really cute one I found! :D

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Football, Choir, and the Real Me

  OK, today I was watching football with my mom and I learned something from it (surprised? so am I.) One of the announcers said that football isn't always about the big plays. That got me thinking. Life is a lot like football, the big plays are nice, but it's the little plays that make a difference. A wonderful epiphany right? :D Maybe I should watch football more often ;) well, today we had Church (:D.) Sunday school was nice, we did a study on psalm 95. Everyone should read it! It's really uplifting to me! Well, after Sunday School, my brother, dad, and I went to choir. We sang a version of "Come Christians Join to Sing." We were going to originally sing "It is a Precious thing" but the soloist wasn't ready. I love choir :D The sermon was on trials. Wonderful:D God has blessed me with very few "real" trials, but the ones I have had, it's nice to know that God was using them to make me more Christ-like. OK, well, after Church, we came home. I ate some yummy food (pasta salad, apple sauce, dried cranberries, and green beans.)

Then I sent out an email to the Venture Crew. For those who don't know, Venture Crew is kind of like Boy Scouts (no, Boy Scouts is NOT stupid :P) but I think a little bit  better. First of all, girls can join (:D.) When I was little and my brothers were in Cub Scouts, I used to be able to go on all of their camp outs. They were awesome! Then they grew up (D:) and I wasn't aloud to go on them anymore (because they moved up to Boy Scouts.) Well, then I learned about Venture Crew. The main difference between Boy Scouts and VC (other than the girl thing) is that we go on more high adventure trips! The only "problem" is that I'm currently the only girl. I guess it's not that bad. I don't mind at all having my own tent (:D) but I hate the idea being the reason we can't go on trips. I mean, if the VC decides they want to go somewhere, and since it's co-ed, we have to get a woman to go too (that is a registered scout adult person.) Well, since I'm the only girl, if we can't find a woman adult to go somewhere with us, then we can't go. Which makes me feel bad. But there is a girl that is interested in joining! She came to the last meeting and might come to the next one:D 

So after email the VC, I came in here to post on my blog. And since I've been pressured to write more (Juli ;P) I'm going to try to. Right now it's freezing but I'm too lazy to get up and turn the fan off (haha.) 

Last night I watch Pride and Prejudice (not the five hour one.) I love that movie! I'm learning how to play Georgiana's song "Dawn" on the piano. I might record it and post it on this blog soon (once I learn the rest of it!) 

The lady who does the fonts has not sent mine back yet, so we'll see. I don't know if she will or not (she probably gets billions of people wanting it too!) The only problem is, all of the other stuff that lets you make you handwriting a font costs $9 (but I'm broke at the moment.) 

Today we have Youth Group in the CLC (our Church's gym) so we're most likely playing volleyball or basketball (maybe dodge ball?) Well, it's going to be fun anyways! My friend who goes to my Church isn't feeling very well (or good? ugh, I hate grammar ;P) So she might not come to Youth. I haven't really talked to her in about 1 month!! Ahh! Oh well, I hope she gets better soon! 

I've been thinking... do I show what I really feel on my face? Oh, I know when I get mad, my family can tell (hahah) but what about when I'm hurt? Or tired? Or extremely happy? I don't know why I'm thinking this.. well, no, maybe I do. I was told by someone that I love that they always thought that I hated them. Why? I don't know. I didn't think I was being mean to that person. Maybe I'm giving the wrong messages (well, I'm sure I am if they think I hate them!) This got me thinking of how I present myself. A lot of people tell me it doesn't matter what people think of you. But it does! Now I don't mean what they think of me in the sense of what I own or have. But I don't like being misunderstood. I don't want my first impressions to be messed up. Those are the ones that stick in your head the longest. It's hard to dispel a bad first impression, even if it's a wrong impression. I don't like coming across as a ditsy girly girl, because I'm not. I don't like to come across stupid, because I'm not. I don't like people hating me because of first impressions. If there is something I can do to help people see the real me, I will do it! I will bathe more (if I stink, which I'm not sure ;D) I will smile more, I will stop with the sarcasm. I'm really not sarcastic. I'm not sure why I am a lot of the time though. Most of the time, I put my foot in my mouth. I say things I don't mean or do things that I regret. For those I've hurt with my rash words and behavior, I'm sorry! I will try to constrain myself from further mischief. 

OK, done with the serious talking ;) This is a pretty long post so I guess I'll stop now! hahah:D