Hey readers! I have been watching the news and I've seen a lot of celebration of the death of Osama. A lot of my friends' posts on facebook were like "thank God he's dead" and "yay! Osama is gone!" I couldn't say why then, but those comments bothered me greatly. Now I understand why! We had youth group at my church today, and we talked about this subject :) In the Bible it says "Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles,
lest the LORD see it and be displeased, and turn away his anger from him." Proverbs 24:17–18 When I read this passage, it was made clear. Osama is no different than us. He is a sinner, deserving and eternity in hell... and so are we!!! The only reason we won't be roasting forever is by the grace of God. Osama was created in the image of God, just like us. He (as my youth pastor said) most likely had tender moments with his children and wives. There was still a hint of God's image! If God had not chosen me, I know I would probably be just like Osama... maybe worse. How many people have I murdered in my heart? Jesus says that hating your brother deserves the fires of hell. Even if I went my whole life without sinning, except for hating one of my brothers, I would still go to hell. Of course, Jesus called me so now I am saved! There was still punishment for my sin... every single little white lie, every single little mean word (you get the picture) was put on Jesus. He was blamed for my sins! OK, so where does this leave us with Osama? Well, we know that only God can fully judge us, and that our sins our too great for us to save ourselves. We have no right at all to rejoice in the death of Osama! Osama is really just like us. When you follow the world's description of sin, you will not at all get the full picture. We place sin into categories. Murder is horrible, so is adultery. But a little white lie now and then isn't so bad. Well guess what? The Bible tells us that sin isn't just what we do... it's in our very essence. It goes deeper than the marrow of our bones. People do not want to accept the fullness of their depravity. They don't want to say that we are as horrible and dirty as someone like Osama. The truth is, we all deserve eternal separation from God. Does that make sense? It's only by God's grace and mercy that any of us can be saved! When we put all of that into the light of the death of Osama, we should be humbled that God would be merciful to us. We should feel more sympathy to the sinner. "Love the sinner but hate the sin." Now, that does not mean that I think it was bad that Osama was killed. I believe that it has saved many lives! What matters is our response to his death. We shouldn't drink beer and dance around as if we were crazy. What kind of example would that give to unbelievers? To the people in other countries? What do you think Osama's followers do after they kill someone? They dance around, drink beer etc. How are we different from them when we do the same? If you think about it, Osama died because of what we believe.... we believe it is wrong to kill thousands of innocent people. Well, Osama and his followers killed because of their beliefs. I'm not at all justifying what he did in his life time, it's just something for y'all to chew on. Anyways, please comment if y'all have anything to ask or say. thank you :)
Note: most of this was taken from my youth group tonight. I do believe all of this is true :)
Note: most of this was taken from my youth group tonight. I do believe all of this is true :)
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